The Dinosaur Stop

Featuring the "Dinosaur Brontosaurus" created by Artist  Jimmy Dale Powers of Gage Oklahoma

Highway 15 and Garfield Street, Gage Oklahoma USA

For more information on Artist Jim Powers please visit

Dinosaur Brontosaurus by Artist Jim Powers.

Artist Jimmy Dale Powers at     

  More Stops with Artist Jim Powers Art Works:

Arnett Oklahoma:

    Indian Blanket Wildflower created by Artist Jim Power at the Arnett Ellis County Court House.

     Artist Jim Powers of Gage Oklahoma


     Fish Scuipture created in 1993 by Artist Jim Powers donated to the "Addington Park" in Arnett Oklahoma.

     Arnett Fish by Jim Powers of Gage Oklahoma. 


Fargo Oklahoma:

    A "Chain Horse" on highway 15 just West of Fargo on South side (no picture yet), that Jim Powers created.

    Jim Powers "Buzzard" located on Fargo North Main Street.

Buzzard by Artist Jim Powers.


Woodward Oklahoma:

    Jim Powers Buffalo residing in the Plains Indian & Pionere Museum.

Buffalo by Artist Jim Powers.


    On the grounds outside of the Plains Indian & Pionere Museum there's a Courtyard that Jim Powers help create with some of his Art.

     Jim Powers Courtyard at the Plains Indian & Pionere Museum in Woodward Ok.

    Also if you look up at an old Hachery sign South East of the Plains Indian & Pionere Museum and on the East side of the highway, you will find a Jimmy Bird purched on top of it.


Shattuck Oklahoma:

    This Horned Toad was created by junk artist Jim Powers and donated to "The Shattuck Oklahoma Windmill Museum" by Joe Vallaster.

    Horned Toad By Artist Jim Powers in Shattuck Oklahoma.

    Horned Toads are necessary to keep down the red ants which always are present around windmills!

Lewis Kansas:

    Artist Jim Powers Rustic Cowboy

    Artist Jim Powers Rustic Cowboy.


    Artist Jim Powers Baby Elephant

Artist Jim Powers Baby Elephant.


Other Sightings of Jim Powers Art

Artist Jim Powers "Junk Art Crow" and "Cowboy on a Bucking Cow" last seen in the Bransion MO Riplies Museum.

   Artist Jim Powers Junk Art Crow and Cowboy riding a Buckin Cow.


More items to be added as time premits, Thank You for visiting .

This web page created in memory of Jim, Beulah, and Troy Powers.

Please Visit "" for more Information on Junk Yard Artist Jim Powers and his Metal Art works.

Copyright 2023, 2024,      Webmaster: terrypowers at yahoo dot com